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Privacy Policy - Podiatry Clinics

Podiatry + Raymoyle House Larbert FK5 4RB 

Why You Should Read this Policy We take the privacy of our patients (you) and visitors to our Website (you) very seriously. Please read this Podiatry Privacy Policy carefully as it contains important information about how your personal data will be used. With this Privacy Policy we want to ensure that you receive adequate information about our collecting and processing of your personal data, including such information we are obliged to inform you about according to applicable personal data protection regulation including as required under UK Data Protection Legislation (the Data Protection Act 1998) and the EU Regulation No. 2016/679 the General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”).

Personal data we may collect about you.

  • Personal information about you (such as your name, email address, phone number) will be obtained, whenever you complete forms on the Website and in podiatry clinic.
  • As a provider of Medical treatment Podiatry + will ask you to provide sensitive personal data before providing any treatments or services to you. This includes personal details like medical history, current medication, any other medical information required along with the general demographic and contact details. If you are not happy with this information to be retained, we unfortunately will be unable to provide you with any podiatry care.
  • All details will be retained using an electronic record system that is password protected. This information will not be shared with any third parties. Your personal demographic information and contact number will be used to aid with confirmation calls, any appointment amendments and bookings.
  • We may retain a record of any contact you make with us.

Personal information about other individuals If you give us information on behalf of someone else, you confirm that the other person has appointed you to act on his/her behalf and has agreed that you can:

  • Give consent on his/her behalf to the processing of his/her data;
  • To receive on his/her behalf and data protection notices;
  • Give consent to any transfer of his/her data;

Information from third parties Occasionally we may receive information about you from other sources (your GP/ Allied Health Professionals/ any other relevant departments), which will be added to the information already held about you in order for us to help supply our services and products to you.

How Your Personal Data Will Be Used We will use your personal data for the following purposes:

  • To help identify you, you’re patient records and any accounts you hold with us;
  • Administration, to write up medical notes;

Disclosure of your Personal Data We may disclose your personal data to:

  • Other healthcare practitioners who work at Podiatry +;
  • Your GP or other medical professionals;
  • Other companies or businesses that become partners with podiatry +;
  • A third party who acquires substantially all of Podiatry + assets, in which case the personal data shall be one of the acquired assets;
  • Our agents and service providers;
  • Law enforcement and regulatory agencies in connection with any investigation to help prevent unlawful activity or as otherwise required by applicable law and Podiatry + insurers.

Monitoring We may monitor and record communications with you (such as telephone conversations and emails) for the purpose of quality assurance, training, fraud prevention and compliance.

Your Consent and Rights of Access We will only collect and store information about you as detailed above. You will be provided with opportunities to consent to this Privacy Policy and marketing when you provide your personal details to us.

  • You have the right of access to your personal records or other information that we hold about you. There may be a fee charged to cover the cost of providing such information.
  • You have the right to rectify any errors in the data we hold about you. If any data or information we hold about you is inaccurate, or out of date, please contact us and we will correct this immediately.
  • You have the right to have the data we hold about you erased. As a legal requirement Podiatry + maintain medical records for a minimum of eight years after the last treatment (N.B Timescales vary due to circumstances for example the age at first treatment and mental health capacity).

Subject Access Request As a patient you have the right to request a copy of any information Podiatry + hold about you. To revise your consent, access, amend or remove your records or assert any of your rights set out above, you should send your request in writing to us at Charges might apply depending on the requested information. New Patients Written consent is to be required from all new patients before carrying out treatments, if the patient is unable to give consent due to lack of capacity then Podiatry + would require a third party with a legal right to make decision on behalf of them to provide consent.

How Long We Will Store Your Data We will store your data for as long as necessary for the purpose of processing. The data will be deleted in the following circumstances:

  • You have withdrawn your consent to data processing;
  • The original purpose for processing the data is no longer relevant or cannot be performed anymore;
  • The data is no longer up to date or accurate,

Changes to This Privacy Policy We may change this Policy from time to time. You should check this policy frequently to ensure you are aware of the most recent version that will apply each time you use the Website.

Our Contact Details We welcome your feedback and questions. If you wish to contact us, please send us an email to You can also write to us at Podiatry + Raymoyle House Larbert FK5 4RB

Data Protection Supervisory Authority The Data Protection Supervisory Authority in the UK is the Information Commissioner's Office. Should you have any complaints about the way we handle your data, you may direct them to the ICO. More information on the ICO can be found on their website here: This Privacy Policy was updated on: 21/05/2018.

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