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Information for Patients

I wanted to see a Chiropodist, why am I seeing a Podiatrist? Podiatry is the global term for medical practitioners of the feet. Our official title with the HCPC is Chiropodist/Podiatrist as there is no difference between the two professions. Podiatry is the main professional term that has been used for the past few decades and we will normally refer to ourselves as Podiatrists. We carry

out all the functions that you would associate with a Chiropodist. Having undergone extensive medical training, we are able to

treat a wide range of footcare issues as well as being qualified to administer local anaesthetic and carry out minor surgery where necessary.


Privacy Notice & Data Handling

Our privacy notice is on display in reception and on our website. If you would like a written copy then please ask and we are

happy to provide one 

Consent to Treatment

You will receive a written consent form for you to sign at your first treatment and you may receive additional consent forms should you require any advanced practice treatments such as surgery. Should you wish to withdraw your consent to treatment at any

time please let the treating podiatrist know. By signing the consent forms you are stating that you have your own right of consent

for medical treatments. Minors (under 16 years old) will require some- one with parental consent to sign their forms and

accompany them to treatments.

What We Need To Know

When you attend your first appointment we will ask you to complete a questionnaire with a variety of personal and medical

questions. All the questions we ask are relevant to your treatment and if you have any queries please let us know. We are bound

by the Data Protection Act and are registered with the Information Commissioner. Please see our privacy notice on website for

how we deal with your data. As with all health and medical professions we are bound by patient confidentiality. We will ask you

about aspects of your medical care such as conditions from which you are suffering, medications you take and operations you

may have undergone. We do not ask these to be nosy but to help form a picture of your health and well being which will help us decide what treatments to carry out. If you are not accurate in the answers that you provide we will be unable to give your

accurate advice or carry out our treatments correctly. Should there be any changes in your health, medications or personal

details please advise us at your next appointment. We will always endeavour to ask about any changes when you attend.

What We Do During your appointment

we will assess your foot health as well as how it relates to your general well being. When we carry out treatment on your feet

we will use tools and instruments suitable for podiatry treatment. This includes scalpels and other sharp instruments. Whilst

every care is taken during your treatment there is a slight risk of puncture of the skin during your treatment. This risk can be increased by factors such as poor quality of skin or if you are taking blood thinner (anticoagulants). Treatment also carries

a very slight risk of infection after treatment. Certain advanced treatments may have other risks or side effects which will be

explained in full prior to being carried out. These treatments will normally have additional consent forms and procedures. In the unlikely event that you experience a problem after your treatment please contact the clinic as soon as possible so that we can

assess and rectify the issue.


Complaints Should you have any niggles after treatment please let us know as soon as possible and we will find a time to

check your feet at a mutually convenient time. There is never a charge for a niggle check. Should you wish to make a complaint

you should contact the practice lead Sarah Tough on 07834788312, by email at or at the address

on this leaflet.


Cancellations and Failure to Attend

Should you no longer require your appointment please give us as much notice as possible. We reserve the right to charge for appointments that are cancelled with less than 24 hours notice or where the patient has failed to attend. We offer a text message and email reminder service  

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